Thursday, June 2, 2016

Justified by "the Law"-Reconciling Controversial "Law" Verses


How do we reconcile these verses? This is Paul speaking in both verses:

SUMMARY of Romans 2:13 & Galatians 3:11 ~~ THE DOERS of 'the Law' ARE JUSTIFIED in the sight of YHWH ~~ NO ONE IS JUSTIFIED by 'the Law' in the sight of YHWH

JUSTIFIED: Strong's #1342 ‘diakaioo’ = innocent, faultless, guiltless, upright, righteous, virtuous

The DOERS of ‘the Law’ are JUSTIFIED in the sight of Elohim or NO ONE is?

There are only three possibilities to reconcile these verses:
  1. Paul was a false prophet, a liar, and a heretic (many are saying this)
  2. The interpretation of one of these verses is wrong (many try to bend words or insert ideas to fit a doctrine or perspective)
  3. We are missing something (Paul says himself that he was entrusted A MYSTERY that was not revealed by man, which was intentionally hidden from the rulers of this age, and has remained hidden ~ 1 Corinthians 2:7, 1 Corinthians 4:1, Galatians 1:10-11)

MYSTERY: Strong’s 3466 ‘musterion’ = a hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding, a hidden purpose or counsel, secret will

QUESTION: If Paul wrote of a mystery entrusted specifically to him (1 Corinthians 4:1) which was not revealed to him by man (Galatians 1:10-11) and was intentionally hidden from the rulers of this age (1 Corinthians 2:7), then how is that almost everbody in our religious circles today seems to understand his writings?


The Christians promote Galatians 3:11 to say "the law" is "all the laws of the Old Testament" to fit their doctrines... (these conclusions certainly would contain no mystery)
The Torah or Hebrew Roots people promote Romans 2:13 to say that many of Paul’s negative ‘law’ verses are the "oral talmudic law" to fit their doctrines. (Plugging “oral law” into the verses is nonsensical by simply reading the context. While it is true it can be argued that the “oral law” has similar “hand washing rules” compared aside Matthew 15:1-9 as well as a couple of other similar issues dealing with “traditions”, it is important to note the Talmud wasn’t recorded for more than 200 years AFTER the New Testament was written. At any rate, these few examples of possible matches are irrelevant because the subject we are addressing is “law” verses. We are positive that not one New Testament “law” verse speaks of “oral law”. We hope you see the same thing after reading this article. Certainly, if any “law” verses were speaking of the “oral law” that would have been no mystery to anybody at all either, especially as even Peter in 2 Peter 3:16 says “his writings are hard to understand” and that would have easily been understood by him)

So, what is THE MYSTERY we are missing?

THE TWO COVENANT MYSTERY ...answering two contrary “Law” verses saying exactly opposite things.

(Please read the entire post with an open heart and mind ~ If you already have a strong opinion on this subject it will take everything in you to set any assumptions aside to read with a clean slate. This mystery is crucial in helping to understand how each writer of the Bible wrote from a COVENANTAL BASIS. Every teacher today believes they have a good understanding of Paul’s writings. Being 2000 years removed from the setting, how can so many seem to have the answers if another disciple Peter, who lived with, ate with, and was personally taught by the Savior, and, who also walked with Paul, said that he didn’t even understand his writings?)
We have discovered that we do not need to force an interpretation of ‘law’ to make something fit, but rather the answer lies within scripture by properly aligning the perspective of the Old Testament and the mystery of which there were seven covenants that consist in the construct that is written in Hebrews as the first covenant,
HEBREWS 8:7 For if that first (covenant) had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.

Now, look very closely at the next statement:

Because finding fault with them, He says: “Behold, the days are coming, says YHWH, when I WILL MAKE A NEW COVENANT with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah HEBREWS 8:8 (quoting Jeremiah 31:31)
This verse is quoting Jeremiah who lived after the first seven covenants were made and prophesied regarding the disastrous judgement taking place with the House of Israel being scattered 100 years prior and the House of Judah (which he lived) which was also being taken into captivity. He also prophesied how the New Covenant would bring the entire family (the 12 tribes of Israel) all back together some day, as he intimately knew and interpreted the covenant he lived under. The point I would like to make on the above scripture in Hebrews 8:8 is: just before quoting Jeremiah the writer of Hebrews makes an important statement that YHWH found fault WITH THE PEOPLE, not His covenant. In the next verses he states that THE CHANGE in the New Covenant would be the writing of YHWH’s covenant laws on our hearts and minds as many of us have identified this life altering change upon entering into covenant relationship with the Savior as a ‘born again’ experience.


Moses made four additional trips up Mt Sinai than should have taken place. The ORIGINAL PLAN went sour almost immediately upon Abraham’s descendants arrival at Mt Sinai after a 60 day trip from Egypt. The goal for them was to enter covenant with the Elohim (God) of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob attempting to complete the promise of land made with their fathers. On Moses’ 1st Trip up Mt Sinai the people were given an OFFER to become a kingdom of priests and a set apart nation unto YHWH. Moses brought the people’s ACCEPTANCE back to YHWH on Moses’ 2nd Trip following the OFFER YHWH made Moses on Trip 1 containing conditions of “IF you OBEY MY VOICE and keep My COVENANT’. They shrank back out and did not go up the mountain with Moses on Trip 3 as told to have their clothes washed and be ready on the third day when the trumpet blasts. Upon then HEARING His voice they REJECTED His voice, and this was the beginning of a disastrous encounter attempting to become the beneficiary of the promises given their father Abraham. (see the link in the middle of this article for the article of the SEVEN TRIPS Moses made up Mt Sinai).
In decoding this TWO COVENANT mystery we found that the New Covenant consists of the terms within the first four covenants (of the seven) that contain the promises of LAND and SEED guaranteed to Abraham and his descendants We, in the New Covenant, became the heirs of those same promises by entering covenant with Yahusha/Jesus (Galatians 3:29). At the appointed time for Abraham’s descendants to receive THEIR OFFER in fulfillment of the promise to Abraham it was quickly rejected by the people. The promises contained in these first four covenants have been RENEWED by the New Covenant to all believers in Yahusha/Jesus today. This is the “covenants of promise” which Paul writes regarding this mystery:
EPHESIANS 2:12 that at that time you were without Messiah, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from THE COVENANTS OF PROMISE, having no hope and without Elohim in the world.
Notice Ephesians 2:12 states the phrase: THE COVENANTS OF PROMISE. I mentioned just above this verse that: “the promises contained in these first four covenants have been RENEWED by the New Covenant”. And, as mentioned prior, there were SEVEN COVENANTS that comprise within, the “first covenant”, which is simply the term the writer of Hebrews uses. Here is a very brief description of the FUNCTION of these SEVEN COVENANTS which each play a SPECIFIC ROLE in “the first covenant”:

THE SEVEN COVENANTS of the ‘first covenant’

  1. Noah = COVENANT RESTART with the earth, animals and man
  2. ***THE PROMISE*** of LAND to Abraham
  3. ***THE PROMISE*** of SEED to Abraham
  4. ***THE PROMISE*** to take Abraham’s SEED to the LAND as a “kingdom of priests” and “set apart (holy) nation” {FAILED BY SHRINKING BACK OUT OF FEAR & THEN BROKEN BY THE SIN OF THE GOLDEN CALF}
  5. TEMPORARY COVENANT with Israelites fulfilled in Yahusha/Jesus scripturally defined as “The Law of Moses” making Moses LAWGIVER and giving THE LEVITES the PRIESTHOOD {because they killed 3000 and atoned for the broken blood covenant}
  6. TEMPORARY COVENANT with Israelites fulfilled in Yahusha/Jesus written 40 years after receiving a 40 years penalty called The Book of the Law which was added to THE LAW OF MOSES putting the 2nd generation under curses {because they rejecting THE LAND in Numbers 13 & 14}
  7. COVENANT with David’s seed fulfilled in Yahusha/Jesus to make David’s seed King over David’s house, the 12 tribes of Israel {because they rejected YHWH as King}
The only way to understand how this works is to properly identify these first seven covenants and know and be able to interpret the terms and conditions in them. To date, we have not seen anybody properly identify all seven covenants and thus people are unable to see the relationship between them. When I say “we” I mean those I am in close fellowship with and study with and also many others who are growing in learning this crucial covenant foundation.
As I begin moving into our topic now, I will first give as short and concise of an answer as possible (I have a scientific mind and have lost people with too much detail in the past ~ so please ask questions on our page if they remain).
The “long answer” will be coming in a series of many TWO COVENANT TEACHING SERIES lessons. Please know the “long answer” we will eventually deliver to you, piece-by-piece, is chronological along a covenant timeline beginning with Adam, and will fill in gaps you may be missing after reading this article. I pray that the Spirit/Ruach reveals enough of this mystery to you for you to continue seeking and studying with us.


After Adam broke his covenant by not following his instructions, it is essential to see that there were seven covenants (Noah, Abraham x2, Moses x3, David) that YHWH made with mankind in an attempt to restore a remnant of people back to Himself. Each of these seven covenants are all part of and play a specific function within one continued covenant, which failed over and over due to man’s sinful nature and rebellion.
The reconciling of many contradictory “Law” verses in the New Testament is the catalyst to demonstrate how the dots all connect in the covenant plan of YHWH which involved “TWO COVENANTS”:
  • (The first covenant (comprising of SEVEN COVENANTS) being between the Father and Abraham’s descendants in the flesh ~ Scripturally defined as “The Law of Moses’”
  • The New Covenant being between the Son and those He gives His Spirit to as a Helper which makes them Abraham’s spiritual descendants.
(The KEY for “Torah observant” people is to redefine the scriptural term Torah to its simple definition as instruction and understand that there is not a single verse in scripture that Torah means: “The First Five Books of Moses”. Rather, “The Law of Moses” is always defined in scripture as the ALTERNATIVE covenant given at Mt Sinai after the golden calf indecent ~ see article link below)
We read in Jeremiah 3:8 that after extending mercy and overlooking their endless rebellion, which spanned approximately 800 years since the day He took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, YHWH finally divorced His people by issuing a certificate of divorce to the House of Israel. The background and severity of what was transpiring with the issuing of this certificate of divorce was that according to His own covenant law, that YHWH Himself established, He could NOT remarry (enter into covenant with) His people, the House of Israel, again.
In the 6th covenant of the 7 covenants (comprising the first covenant), called the Book of the Law (the Book of Deuteronomy), in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 there are instructions given for divorce. The verses state that while the husband is alive the woman could not remarry her former husband once she has been issued a certificate of divorce. This is what happened to the House of Israel in Jeremiah 3:8.
Many Torah people argue that the New Covenant is actually a “Renewed” Covenant to fit the doctrine that “Torah” means “the first five books of Moses”. As mentioned prior, by doing this some believe they need to define negative law verses written by Paul to mean “oral law”. If they only saw that Paul is actually speaking of the “Law of Moses”, scripturally defined as a TEMPORARY COVENANT ~ The 2nd Set of Stone tablets, they could see this mystery.
A covenant involves TWO PARTIES and after THE FIRST COVENANT was severed forever between the Father and His people, never allowing the divorced bride to remarry the husband while He is alive,

YHWH did the unthinkable...

He sent His Son to “pay for the sins committed under the FIRST COVENANT” (Hebrews 9:15) allowing the House of Israel freedom to remarry Him by forming the New Covenant between His Son and the House of Israel, who was lost with many not even knowing their identity ~ this is you and me! This is why, buried within many controversial “Law” verses in the Book of Romans, Paul quotes this section of the Book of the Law (Deuteronomy 24:1-4) in Romans 7:1-4 to demonstrate how this “Law” (FIRST COVENANT/THE LAW OF MOSES) truly ended (Romans 10:4) as we “died to the law” with the marriage to “ANOTHER”... His Son.

This is an incredibly powerful mystery he is explaining!

ROMANS 7:4 So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law THROUGH the body of Yahusha, that you might belong to ANOTHER, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for Elohim.
“Died to the law” is this first covenant, ‘the Law of Moses’, that came THROUGH Moses (John 1:17). We just read how Yahusha THROUGH His deathpaid for the sins committed ‘under’ the first covenant” (Hebrews 9:15).

See these verses:

GALATIANS 4:4-5 when the fullness of the time had come, YHWH sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law (Law of Moses), to redeem those who were under the law (Law of Moses), that we might receive the adoption as sons.
The New Testament is jam packed full of "TWO COVENANT LANGUAGE”, as I term it, which is the answer and CONTEXT of the writings of 2000 years ago ~ the audience knew what the first covenant was as Paul wrote accordingly.
ROMANS 7:1 Or do you not know, brethren (for I speak to those who know the law), that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives?
His audience knew the ‘Law of Moses’. They just did not KNOW and BELIEVE in the One who rose from the dead to FREE THEM from the first covenant!!! This was a major stronghold for the people in Judea to be told:

~ THE TEMPLE is no longer of value ~ CIRCUMCISION was no longer required ~ THE LAW OF MOSES “ended” (Romans 10:4)

In fact, even the BELIEVERS in Yahusha/Jesus did not understand this COVENANT CHANGE. This is the CONTEXT of “what do we do with the Gentiles who are coming into covenant” in Acts chapter 15.
ACTS 15:5 some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, “It is necessary to CIRCUMCISE THEM, and to command them TO KEEP THE LAW OF MOSES.” (first covenant)

Here is the answer that was brought back:

ACTS 15:24 Greetings. Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, “You MUST BE CIRCUMCISED and KEEP THE LAW” —to whom WE GAVE NO SUCH COMMANDMENT
I hope this sinks in as to the power the first covenant had over the people especially while being under the teachers of “the Law” (the Law of Moses)


THROUGH Yahusha/Jesus is: GRACE AND TRUTH ~ speaking of THE NEW COVENANT

John 1:17 is one of many TWO COVENANT New Testament verses of which is the setting of the entire story.

PLEASE if you’ve had a problem with the information just presented, don’t shut down yet. Please keep reading. We have all had an opinion on many of those verses. If you apply what I am saying to all the New Testament verses you will find a perfect match in every case. The very difficult challenge right now is allowing yourself to change your perspective and potentially set some doctrines aside for a moment. To see the biggest piece of the COVENANT FOUNDATION several of us have pieced together the granular chronological details over the last five years assembling this complex puzzle (yet also simplistic), please spend time in thoughtful prayer on this detailed article entitled:

“Moses makes SEVEN TRIPS up and down Mt Sinai —> THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT piece of scriptural interpretation”

The challenge from a Christian perspective is seeing that “Law”, mentioned many times in the New Testament (especially Paul’s letters and the book of Hebrews), is NOT a lump grouping of “all the laws in the Old Testament” OR “all events occurring at Mt Sinai" to even include the Ten Commandments. As if there was simply just a “Mosaic Covenant” (often taught by teachers) and it is all done away with. The phrase “Mosaic Covenant" implies there was ONLY ONE COVENANT given through Moses whereas there were actually THREE COVENANTS given through Moses each with its own Terms and Conditions, and two of these three covenants were given within the SEVEN TRIPS Moses made up Mt. Sinai approximately 80 to 100 days (please see article) apart. The article above details how the KEY of interpretation is intimately becoming familiar with the sequence of events that occurred during the seven trips Moses made in an effort to fullfil the promises made by blood covenant to their father Abraham.
The TWO COVENANTS given at Mt. Sinai consisted of (see 7 trips article above):
  1. (BROKEN IMMEDIATELY) The ORIGINAL SPOKEN WORDS offer to make them “A Royal Priesthood, Set Apart (Holy) Nation, and My Special Treasured Possession” in Exodus 19:4-5 if they “Obey My Voice”, which consists of the New Covenant RENEWED OFFER (1 Peter 2:9)
  2. The TEMPORARY ALTERNATIVE COVENANT scripturally defined as “The Law of Moses”
The Christian with any level of study and sincerity reads the New Testament and can clearly see the phrase “The Law of Moses” is NOT a good thing. as I quote those straight-forward interpretations below. The majority of Christians, however, error in not seeing that there was an ORIGINAL PLAN gone haywire at Mt Sinai which is the foundation of the New Covenant.
The challenge from a “Torah” perspective is the very word “Torah” itself which many when seeing the scriptural phrase The Law of Moses” believe it is a GOOD THING as they believe it means “the first five books of Moses" which is not scripturally true. This puts them in a position to believe they are defending “Torah” every time “law” is mentioned in a NEGATIVE SENSE as their doctrine has to alter words and sentences in addition to coming up with “Oral Law” or other methods in an attempt to try and fit what the writers were saying.
Covenant is mentioned in 315 verses whereas law is mentioned in 596 verses (NKJV). The definition of “Law” is instructions, but the APPLICATION of “Law” throughout the Bible is:
The problem is: NOT BEING ABLE TO CONNECT THE COVENANT DOTS TO DECODE THE MYSTERY. Therefore, “Law” remains open to the interpreter’s opinions once it is disconnected from its covenant basis which actually provides the clarity to this word that simply means: “instructions”.
The reason “Law” is so illusive to so many is because of the deeply hidden nature of THE COVENANT PLAN OF YHWH. And, the reason Christians and Torah or Hebrew Roots people will never see eye to eye on so many issues is because of not having the correct application of the TWO COVENANT MYSTERY to scripturally interpret what the writers intention was. Therefore, each group remains pitted against each other on this topic because of MAN MADE DOCTRINES: The Christian (generally speaking) believes the New Testament is a brand new arrangement with no foundation and the Torah or Hebrew Roots person believes nothing at all has ever changed. Which, regarding the latter, I honestly find it so difficult to believe how one cannot see how there was ACTUAL CHANGES with at least the death, burial and resurrection of Yahusha/Jesus Messiah and the giving of His Ruach (Spirit) while removing the heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Let alone basic things such as through Noah’s covenant men no longer lived to be 900 years old. Maybe, many have truly never had that “born again” experience that so many of us have had. If you’ve had this truly life changing experience you would never let go of His blood sacrifice for matter what type of man’s doctrine is thrown at us.
We have tried and tested of what I passionately write to you today and can demonstrate, that in EVERY CASE this TWO COVENANT LANGUAGE fits across the board. We do not have to change or alter words, as many of the English versions explain it just fine. We have just been missing this very special revelation Paul and the writer of Hebrews were revealed of which Yahusha/Jesus knew and taught Paul.
Look at a sample of several clear NEGATIVE “LAW” VERSES…these verses are speaking of THE FIRST COVENANT. Please test it out yourself to apply the definition that these particular verses, IN CONTEXT, are speaking of “LAW” being THE FIRST COVENANT (scripurally defined as “The Law of Moses”).


  • “ENDED” (Romans 10:4)
  • “WAS FULFILLED” (Matthew 5:19)
  • “NOT OF FAITH” (Galatians 3:12)
  • “MADE NOTHING PERFECT” (Hebrews 7:19)
  • “ADDED FOR TRANSGRESSIONS” (Galatians 3:19)
  • “KEPT UNDER GUARD BY" (Galatians 3:23)
  • “THE SCHOOLMASTER” (Galatians 3:24)
  • "CHANGED FROM LEVITICAL LAW” (Hebrews 7:11-12)
  • "WAS ‘UNTIL’ JOHN" (Luke 16:16)
  • "WAS 'UNTIL' SHILOH COMES" (Genesis 49:10)
  • "PUT THEM ‘UNDER LAW’" (Romans 6:14-15)
  • “FREED FROM THE LAW” (Romans 7:4)
  • “DELIVERED FROM THE LAW” (Romans 7:6)
…as well as our verse in question:
"NO ONE is JUSTIFIED by ‘THE LAW’ in the SIGHT OF ELOHIM” (Galatians 3:11)
As you hopefully noticed above there are MANY negative “Law” verses above in the Book of Galatians alone as the Book of Galatians is full of this TWO COVENANT LANGUAGE. The entire book is centered on the issue of gentiles coming to faith in Messiah (THE NEW COVENANT) and "FALSE BRETHREN SECRETLY BEING BROUGHT AMONG THEM TO BRING THEM INTO BONDAGE” (Galatians 2:4) by having them be “Circumcised” (verses 2:3, 2:7-9, 5:2-3, 5:6, 5:11, 6:12-13) requiring them to go back “under the law” by following the FIRST COVENANT called “The Law” (The Law of Moses). This was the “different gospel that is really not another” Paul begins speaking about in Galatians 1:6-7.
The center stage covenant issue at hand 2000 years ago: BELIEVE IN THE ONE WHO ROSE FROM THE DEAD TO ENTER COVENANT WITH YHWH. It was very difficult to see there was a COVENANT CHANGE taking place with His death, burial and resurrection.
Look at two other instances in Galatians speaking of this same TWO COVENANT COMPARISON regarding:
"You have become estranged from Messiah, you WHO ATTEMPT TO BE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW (FIRST COVENANT/LAW OF MOSES); you have FALLEN FROM GRACE (NEW COVENANT). (Galatians 5:4)

Look again above @ Galatians 5:4 regarding “LAW” (FIRST COVENANT) vs GRACE (NEW COVENANT).

Does John 1:17 look identical to the same TWO COVENANT language?

"THE LAW was given THROUGH Moses (FIRST COVENANT) and GRACE and TRUTH THROUGH Yahusha/Jesus Messiah (NEW COVENANT)" in John 1:17
“The Law” given THROUGH Moses is THE FIRST COVENANT and “grace and truth” THROUGH Yahusha/Jesus is THE NEW COVENANT.
Do you see why the Christian can see major problems and completely reject hearing about “The Torah” or “Torah of Moses” being a good thing? I pray you really see this like you never have been before. This right here brothers and sisters is the message to unite the household of faith. Truth isn’t for everybody but I pray you receive it and tell others. Now, I’m sure there are many “Torah observant” people who are reading this that are saying this just sounds like “Christian Grace talk” with a Hebrew vernacular. Nothing could be further from the truth. The absolute central problem in the body of Messiah is ~ not identifying our COVENANT with its subsequent laws/instructions. Also, adding (the Torah observant person adds laws/instructions not understanding covenant) or taking away (the Christian takes away laws/instructions not understanding covenant) from the instructions will create consequences with Inheriting His Kingdom.
Let’s look at one more verse that directly states that this TWO COVENANT COMPARISON between “The Law of Moses” and the New Covenant regarding JUSTIFICATION(our topic of this article)
"and BY HIM (YAHUSHA/ JESUS)( THE NEW COVENANT) everyone who believes IS JUSTIFIED from all things from which YOU COULD NOT BE JUSTIFIED BY ***THE LAW OF MOSES.***(FIRST COVENANT)” ~ Acts 13:39
Now, let’s look at the NEW COVENANT and the other verse in Question: Romans 2:13.
In order to keep this post short I will just post the CONTEXT of this section and pray you will continue studying with us to see that over and over again in the New Testament that “the Law” spoken of where heaven and earth will pass away but not one jot or tittle will (Matthew 5:18) is THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Please see the article posted above so you will see that on Moses’ 3rd Trip up Mt Sinai the people did not go up the mountain and while staying at the bottom of the mountain YHWH spoke His Voice with the Ten Words (incorrectly translated “Commandments”) as the CONDITIONS of the COVENANT which was “If you Obey My Voice”. The people rejected His Voice completely by sending Moses up on Trip 4 saying “please do not have Him speak to us anymore or we will die”. The people would eventually need to be changed as “He found fault with the people” (Hebrews 8:7) ~ they were in the flesh and needed His Spirit, which is the New Covenant.
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS will either justify every person who ever lived or condemn every person who ever lived and will determine our INHERITANCE as it is our COVENANT written on our hearts and minds (Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10).
For not the hearers of "the law" ARE JUST IN THE SIGHT OF YHWH, but THE DOERS OF THE LAW ARE JUSTIFIED ~ Romans 2:13
Remember the definition for JUSTIFIED: Strong's #1342 = innocent, faultless, guiltless, upright, righteous, virtuous
We enter into COVENANT by FAITH by believing upon the Son and His sacrifice for us, but we walk out our instructions to be found JUSTIFIED.
We see that the plan of salvation is going through TWO THRESHOLDS not just one:
1) FAITH alone on what He did for us by the POWER OF HIS BLOOD 2) JUSTIFICATION by living out THE TEN WORDS (proper translation)
and we can never, ever, ever sacrifice #1 to fulfill #2 with a WRONG definition of “Torah”


“… (SPEAKING OF THE GENTILES) are a law to themselves, WHO SHOW THE WORK OF THE LAW WRITTEN ON THEIR HEARTS (THE TEN WORDS ~ Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10), their conscience also bearing witness” Romans 2:14-15

Paul then quotes THE TEN COMMANDMENTS a few verses later:

"You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man SHOULD NOT STEAL ***8th commandment***, do you STEAL? You who say, “Do not commit ADULTERY ***7th commandment***,” do you commit ADULTERY? You who abhor IDOLS ***2nd commandments*** do you rob temples?” Romans 2:21-23

There is only one way to be JUSTIFIED, not through the first covenant, the Law of Moses, but through obedience to His Blood Covenant, which was received first by faith in Him alone:

Elohim presented Yahusha/Jesus as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his bloodto be received by faith. (Romans 3:25)
he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those WHO HAVE FAITH IN YAHUSHA/JESUS. (Romans 3:26)

So, BY HIS BLOOD and THROUGH OUR FAITH IN HIM we enter and then how it is that we ESTABLISH THE LAW is by following Him and walking as He walked (1 John 2:6), breaking the chains of sin in our lives. Breaking the Law (our covenant, the Ten Commandments) is the definition of sin. (1 John 3:4)

Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law. (Romans 3:31)
Please continue studying further with us as we are all members of one body to get this very urgent BLOOD COVENANT MESSAGE OF INHERITING THE KINGDOM as we KEEP and TEACH the INSTRUCTIONS OF OUR COVENANT in fulfilling our Savior’s promise that these are THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM (Matthew 5:19)…

I promise your illumination and wisdom of scripture and ability to shed errant doctrines will soar!!!


As a final reminder, there was an ORIGINAL PLAN (the spoken TEN WORDS) at Mt Sinai that went haywire ~ please see the article link posted above titled: The SEVEN TRIPS MOSES MADE UP AND DOWN MT SINAI. The TWO COVENANT LANGUAGE understanding demonstrated in this article is anchored into the events regarding these seven trips. The Book of Leviticus (statutes and decrees) was part of the TEMPORARY COVENANT (the giving of the second set of stone tablets, Exodus 34:1-28) called THE LAW OF MOSES given Moses on Trip 7 as well as the 2nd set of stone tablets (the covenant).


THE NEW COVENANT, renewing the ORIGINAL PLAN (the spoken TEN WORDS) @ Mt Sinai, with Yahusha (Jesus) empowering us with His presence inside of us by showing us HOW to live out the Ten Words/Ten Commandments.
THE LAW OF -->> MOSES (scripturally defined as), the TEMPORARY COVENANT given Moses on Trip 7 following Moses interceding on Trip 6 because of the sin of the golden calf and the Levites ATONED FOR AND KILLED 3000 due to the broken blood covenant made after Trip 4. On Moses’ 7th Trip up Mt Sinai all these things CHANGED from the ORIGINAL PLAN which was to take place on Trip 3:
  • The Levites given the Priesthood
  • The Book of Leviticus given on Trip 7 (sacrifices are the first 7 chapters)
  • Moses became Lawgiver
  • Moses shown YHWH’s glory
  • Moses wore a veil over his face
  • Moses separated himself in his tent
  • Moses spoke face to face with the Angel of YHWH (pre-incarnate Messiah) in his tent above the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant (until the Tabernacle was erected)
  • The Angel was to lead them into the Land as YHWH gave the people over to Moses to lead and speak the commandments


ROMANS 2:13 (our covenant)

ROMANS 2:13 For not the hearers of "the Law" (The Ten Commandments) ARE JUST IN THE SIGHT OF ELOHIM, but THE DOERS OF THE LAW ARE JUSTIFIED

We must keep our covenant to inherit the promises given our father Abraham ~ THE LAND.

GALATIANS 3:11 (the Law of Moses)


Next verse is quoting the Law of Moses (Leviticus 18:5)

GALATIANS 3:12 Yet THE LAW is NOT OF FAITH, but “the man who does them shall live by them.” (Leviticus 18:5)
Thank you for investing your time in reading this article. I pray you are revealed this profound mystery and it helps you in the keeping and the teaching of our covenant ~ those who are determined to be the GREATEST in the Kingdom (Matthew 5:19).

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